Sunday, January 6, 2013

Doodle With Finger #3

I am working on a project but got stuck.. So I made this to get ~inspired~ 

This is Clara Chung, she's an awesome talented Youtube musician. Check out her channel here --> ClaraCMusic

I am still using Skethbook Mobile for Android as you can see in my previous post Doodle With Finger #1 & Doodle With Finger #2, this app is also available for iPhone/iPad too. And this is how I doodle :

You can also follow me on Instagram --> (I usually post stuffs there before post it here).

Flooding hits some areas in Makassar since a few days ago because of heavy rain. I hope everything's gonna be okay #PrayForMakassar.

Happy Sunday All!


  1. gambarin saya aja deh mendingan D:

  2. udah lama gak mampir. masih ngeblog to? tak kira nek wes bosen hahaha

    1. Haha Iyo.. lama banget... Suwun udah mampir cak. Ini lagi coba2 ngeblog lagi.

  3. gilaaaaaa, keren abis bang ..
    kapan kapan gambarin gue dong :3

  4. huwooo manis
    post terus ya om, 2013 nih :'>
    << masih nyoba nyoba di hape, ga nyaman ake stylus, pake jari lebih mantep XD

  5. Dasarnya pinter gambar jadi ya hasilnya pun mantep :D
    Ini coba gambar beberapa kali tapi hasilnya amburadul.
    Pengen salahin aplikasinya, tapi kok gak tega :)))

    1. Ini juga masih belajar om, semangat, gambar terus aja, ntar lama2 juga biasa. :) selamat menggambar.

  6. Duh, keren banget om. Padahal make jari doang ye. Jadi pengen nyobain. :'))

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