Tuesday, December 3, 2013

On Making Things Consistently

Hi, I know it's been a long time since I post here as often as this. Some people cross your path and change your whole direction, they said. I will get better at updating :D.

Last week, I joined a training for visual communication design communities in Makassar. I met a lot of inspiring creative people and they suddenly made me want to share more.. and more.. and more.. to this interweb. So here i am posting something. 
Yaaayyy!! \o/

So I've been joining Opium - Makassar Urban Magazine since last month as an illustrator. Beside doing some freelance projects, this is the other way to keep me making things and learn something new consistently.

These are my illustrations for the #44th edition 
The Pseudonym Issue

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Bias Bukit Harapan

Hi hello. So a couple weeks ago I got an assignment from my graphic design and publishing class. We were assigned to make an album art for local musicians in Makassar. So I choose this awesome acoustic ambience/folk band named "Theory of Discoustic". 

They sing about hope, dreams, night, rain and other beautiful things in this universe. Some of their song is based on makassar traditional dance and folk song. 

"Bias Bukit Harapan" is based on story of Indo' Logo, a Bugis-Makassar folk song. this song is about memories and hope.

You can follow Theory of Discoustic here:



Happy weekend :D

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Samsung La Fleur Collection

Di jaman yang serba digital ini, Handphone (HP) adalah barang ke-3 yang paling wajib dibawa ketika kita keluar rumah. Handphone jadi barang primer ketiga setelah pakaian dan uang pastinya. Bisa dibilang HP ini bagian yang nunjukin identity kita. 

Saya pernah dengar kata-kata “Penampilan memang bukan segalanya tapi segalanya berawal dari penampilan” (lupa ini kata-kata dari mana) dan saya setuju. Fungsi HP yang awalnya cuma buat komunikasi sekarang sudah berubah. Sadar atau gak sadar, HP udah jadi bagian penting dari lifestyle kita sehari-hari. Selain featurenya, tampilan fisik HP itu sendiri juga penting, terutama buat cewek-cewek yang perhatian sama gaya penampilannya. Tampilan fisik HP yang keren akan menunjang penampilan jadi keren juga. 

Beruntunglah buat cewek-cewek yang perhatian dengan penampilannya karena Samsung telah meluncurkan “SamsungLa Fleur Collection” yang punya desain body super keren yang bisa bikin gaya kalian makin fashionable. Desain ini dirancang khusus untuk melengkapi kebutuhan lifestyle kalian biar bisa tampil modis maksimal, It completes your style.

Karna penasaran sama produknya, kemaren iseng ke Samsung store buat nanya-nanya. Dan ternyata Samsung La Fleur Collection adalah beberapa gadget Samsung yang pernah ada dan diluncurkan kembali dengan motif la fleur. Motif La Fleur ini lagi ngetren di dunia fashion loh... Inget kan kemaren saya pernah bahas tentang motif La Fleur pas nggambar cewek-cewek fashion blogger Anastasia Siantar dan Clara Devi di sini ==> Doodling #4 | La Fleur Girls. Ternyata selain motif La Fleur, ada juga gadget yang berwarna feminis yaitu warna garnet. Samsung La Fleur Collection ini ada 4 versi yaitu Samsung Galaxy S III mini, SamsungGalaxy Y, Samsung GalaxyTab 2 7.0 dan Samsung C3520.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

SketchBook Mobile Tips: How To Deal With Limited Layers

Hi hello..! So, some friends on twitter ask me to make a tutorial on how to use SketchBook Mobile to draw.

Since the Sketch Book Mobile apps already has the guide (tutorial) that explains the tools, so I'm going to share how to deal with it's layer limitation, which is being the main problem for some people (or is it just me?).

So here is the tips:

In SketchBook Mobile apps, we can only have 6 layers each file. Yes, sometimes that's not enough to draw :(.  The solution is divide your drawing into 3 files. We got 6 layers limitation each file, so if we use 3 files, we will get 18 layers for one drawing like a boss *Yaaaay!* (3 files are optional. If you need more layers, you can use more files)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Doodling #4 | La Fleur Girls

Jadi proyek kemaren udah kelar nih.. Dari pada suntuk, jadi saya iseng doodling lagi. Kali ini saya gambar yang Seger-seger biar semangat \o/ Yaaay!!!.

Kenalin, mblo. Yang atas namanya Clara Devi dan yang bawah namanya Anastasia Siantar, Mereka berdua adalah Fashion Blogger Indonesia yang owsem abis. Stylenya vintage-vintage feminim gitu. Kalau dilihat tuh kesannya Adem, kayak bidadari turun di Kutub Selatan.

Setelah saya lihat-lihat blognya, Ternyata mereka berdua sama-sama suka pake motif bunga-bunga gitu, mulai dari baju, tas, hiasan rambut,sampai sepatu, semua ada bunga-bunganya. Mereka jadi kelihatan lebih cantik kalo pake motif bunga-bunga ini. Mereka bilangnya sih fashion bunga-bunga ini namanya“La Fleur”.

La Fleur opo sih, wud?

Friday, January 18, 2013

First Project in 2013

I'm currently working on a project with @SupirPete2 and @PratiwiHAM from Studio23Mks. (I was worked for SupirPete2's T-shirt merchandise "#NaikGratis #TurunBayar" before, last year)But now I'm working for different stuff. Yes, an Agenda Book :D.

This agenda is also including some important information about Makassar. It's available in two colors, Black and Blue. The pre-order was started today.

You can click here to pre-order:

You can stalk @supirpete2's tweet for more info.

Happy Friday \(^_^)/

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Doodle With Finger #3

I am working on a project but got stuck.. So I made this to get ~inspired~ 

This is Clara Chung, she's an awesome talented Youtube musician. Check out her channel here --> ClaraCMusic

I am still using Skethbook Mobile for Android as you can see in my previous post Doodle With Finger #1 & Doodle With Finger #2, this app is also available for iPhone/iPad too. And this is how I doodle :

You can also follow me on Instagram --> instagram.com/bizwud (I usually post stuffs there before post it here).

Flooding hits some areas in Makassar since a few days ago because of heavy rain. I hope everything's gonna be okay #PrayForMakassar.

Happy Sunday All!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Doodle With Finger #2

Try to draw "Overly attached girlfriend" (I don't mind using a GPS tracker :)))
In my previous post Doodle With Finger, I wrote in that post that I use the DIY capacitive stylus made from alumunium foil to doodle. I got some problem with it's sensitivity, so now I am no longer using that tools and going back with only my finger.

But if you still want to try it, here is the easiest way I found in youtube to make that "poorman stylus":

Have a nice day :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Blogging and SNSD

Sleepless SNSD Zombies: My vector illustration submission for "Expo Karya KOSMIK 2012 - Social Network Social Distortion"

That illustration is about how social media like Twitter can make a huge impact in our life, at least mentally. We are free to follow both inspiringly awesome people or negative people which makes you think about negative thing and get sad and stuff, every time.

In that illustration, I take the negative side like how those social networking sites are beautifully addictive and make you sleepless. Off course I'm not an anti-social-network. I love the internet. I'd like to
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